Breaking the myths and misconceptions about coffee
For most people, coffee is the drink that gets their day started on the right note. With its high popularity among most age groups, a few misconceptions are bound to come up along the way. These misconceptions can make enjoying your fresh cup of coffee a little bit harder, negatively affecting the overall experience. In this article, we explore some of the most commonly known misconceptions about coffee and delve into the reasons why it just isn’t true.
1. Coffee can cause insomnia
Coffee is known to have caffeine, which is a stimulant that jogs your mind up to be more active. This stimulation is generally why many drink specialty coffee before they sit down to get productive. When consumed in moderation, coffee does not cause insomnia, in fact, the effect itself wears itself off naturally and you can fall asleep relatively easily. Even overindulgence won’t cause insomnia, but rather can cause you to be alert throughout the night if consumed during those hours, as intended through the effects of caffeine.
2. Coffee is bad for health
One of the biggest misconceptions about coffee is that it’s bad for you in the long run. Studies however, say otherwise. It has been proven that consuming regular amounts of coffee (around 3-4 cups) can actually have a positive effect on the body, helping with gut health immensely.Another myth that pops up in the same lane is this: does coffee help you lose weight? The short answer to this is, partially. Coffee does help with overall gut health and helps process body fats effectively; however, it is not the end solution to losing any weight.
3. Coffee can stunt your growth
This is a tale as old as time that has no basis on actual scientific facts. Most people start drinking coffee in their late teens when they’ve already reached their peak height, and studies conducted on this myth found no correlation between coffee and the ability or inability to grow.

4. Coffee is addictive
This misconception comes up often due to the confusion most people have between habit and addiction. Addiction can generally cause detriment to the body itself because you don’t necessarily know when to stop, and not consuming it can cause withdrawals. Coffee however has no strong addictive properties and its consumption can be linked to habitual routines. Just like with any other habit, if stopped completely a sense of awkwardness arises, but it doesn’t affect the body the way actual withdrawals do.
5. Drinking coffee can dehydrate you
Coffee is the kind of drink where dehydration is completely out of the question. Most people consume their coffee with an adequate amount of, yes you guessed it, water. Experts generally agree that your daily coffee consumption should count towards your recommended daily water intake. This myth came from the fact that coffee drinkers don’t drink as much normal water as non-coffee drinkers do. However, coffee does help to hydrate you, with the drink made up almost entirely out of water (around 98%).
6. Coffee is always best when boiled
Factually speaking, boiling coffee does the opposite of what this myth entails. If the temperature of your coffee goes above 93°C, the water will begin to extract the bitter parts of coffee, and can even scorch the coffee grounds. In simple terms, coffee in boiling hot water can taste burnt, which isn’t the most pleasant thing.

7. Dark roasts are stronger
Many believe that dark roast coffee has more caffeine, leading them to think that it is stronger in its impact. This ‘fact’ is the furthest thing away from the truth. There is no caffeine difference between light, medium, and dark roasted coffee beans. Where these three variations differ is in its depth of flavor. Light roast coffee beans are beans that are roasted until the first crack appears, and they usually retain a floral note. Medium roast beans are roasted until they have a sweeter flavor, and a stronger taste. Finally, dark roast coffee beans are roasted for the longest amount of time and generally are the darkest in color. These beans have a richer and more chocolate-y taste profile. Though the caffeine levels are same no matter how you roast your beans, the antioxidant levels between each vary, with dark roasts containing the highest level.
8. Caffeine increases the risk of diseases
Some believe that the continuous consumption of coffee can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and osteoporosis. This fact is wholly untrue if consumption is maintained at normal levels. A general fact to note is that coffee can be good for you, but like most things, it should be consumed in moderation.
Now that these myths have been debunked, you can drink your speciality coffee drinks with ease. If you’re looking for coffee that’s rich in flavor, you’ve dropped by at the right place. At Specialty Coffee, we believe in providing you with coffee that is beneficial in both a physical and mental sense. Our roasts can bring forth a higher level of quality and flavor and can bring forth a great start to your day in your cozy coffee corner. View our website to learn more about us.