Additional Info
Fazenda Capim Branco has been in the Andrade family since 1901. It is located in the high, green Cerrado Mineiro in the north of Minas Gerais state, on the border with Bahia State. The Cerrado Mineiro region ranges from 1,100 to 1,250 metres above sea level, providing ideal conditions for coffee production due to the perfect balance of wet and dry seasons.
The soils at Fazenda Capim Branco are volcanic and much of the farm is planted with the Yellow Catuaí varietal, which thrives in this environment. Attentive husbandry, such as that executed by the Andrade family, produces uniform blossoming and maturation, creating excellent conditions for processing the speciality coffee using the natural method. In this case, ripe cherries are dried on the patio without having been pulped, producing a sweet, fruity coffee. Once the beans reach the desired humidity level, they are dry-milled to remove the dried pulp and parchment and then sorted and screened for export.

Fazenda Capim Branco was the Andrade family’s first farm; however, since the 1970s the family has been very active in establishing new farms so as to expand their cultivation area, all aligned with their mission of producing coffee of the very highest quality. The family acquired São Silvestre farm in Serra do Salitre (Minas Gerais) during this period of expansion. São Silvestre, located at 1,250 meteres above sea level, also produces very high quality coffees, in part because of its ideal climate and altitude.
Combined with the natural conditions of the region, meticulous crop management, forward-thinking crop planning and post-harvest selection, the final result from all Andrade family farms is excellent quality, award-winning coffees that are appreciated both within Brazil and internationally as some of the best coffee the country has to offer.

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